RTX 2070 WQHD Gaming?


Moin people,
I need your advice. I want to play on my PC in WQHD with 144Hz. Games GTA V, PUBG, COD IV, Fortnite…
What do you think is enough if I buy this RTX 2070 and am I happy with that?


Or should I rather invest 300 euro more in a RTX 2080? What do you all mean?


If you have the money I would take the RTX 2080, which is again a good deal faster.

Wqhd packs the 2070 also loose, but not with 144fps in all games. Just badly optimized games like PUBG will not run at high frame rates on high settings.

But just watch some videos on YouTube, just type RTX 2070 vs RTX 2080 and watch the comparison videos.


Most people get along with the 2070 easily.
WQHD is possible in most games with 120-160 FPS. For bad optimized games you have ev. The graphics settings turn down a bit.

If you have the 300 euro more, then it makes sense to invest in the 2080. It is faster again and you are better prepared for upcoming games. Generally, of course, a stronger card.

All in all, you will be able to play with both. In the case of the 2070 you may have to screw down the graphics a bit, so that really runs with 144Hz and 4k or WQHD.

I hope this helps.



(your computer guru)


The RTX 2070 is intended for WQHD or suitable. With an RTX 2080 you have more FPS. Personally, this is not worth 300 euro. The GTX 1070 has already done WQHD.

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