RTX 2070 too slow?

- in Hardware

I have a problem with my GeForce RTX 2070 that I upgraded the other day. I have the feeling that it is too weak because when I watch an RTX 2060 Fortnite test video on YouTube, for example, in this video with an RTX 2060 there are more fps than mine. On average, I have 120 Fps in Fortnite from the lowest settings

would still appreciate an answer


What CPU do you have? Could be a bottleneckā€¦


If your CPU is not designed to feed a powerful graphics card with data, there could be a drop in performance. This is also called bottleneck.

How do you recognize a bottleneck?

If you look at tests on the Internet where your graphics card can run wild and you reach much lower values, you are most likely at a bottleneck.


I have an I7 3770 with 3.4GHZ

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