Suppose you play on a kack PC with a kack quality Fortnite, I'm talking about 720p, 40-60 FPS, everything on low etc. Do you think that you can still become a pro like this? I wouldn't be that bad, but my PC is absolutely rubbish.
If you play in tournaments (with cash prizes) with such a prerequisite against an equally good player with a better PC (144 FPS, good quality, no lags), then the advantage of the other would not be huge. How do you see it?
You can do it. But I think you have to be extra good again. Back in season 4,5,6,7 Secret Milan played on a laptop and made a lot of gels.
I think that you need at least 60 permanent FPS to have no disadvantage.
Your ping just has to be good. Had the same problem a little while ago and was still very successful in shooters but also in Fortnite.
"Getting good" can always be done, but the bad quality slows it down enormously. With better hardware, the gaming experience is better and you can also practice better and get better.
You could practice a little in CoD Warzone and you would automatically get better, but before you get better you will notice that Fortnite is garbage and then you will find out that PvP generally stinks.
I still remember where viewers wrote in Trymacs' chat that "he is playing on a laptop with 50 FPS" and shaves everything.
Do you have earnings?
In the meantime I stopped because I had put on a lot of weight due to the constant stress. I had good earnings and I was able to assert myself against successful players like Razzero.
What was your name in Fortnite? And how many FPS or which settings did you have?
Low settings 30-40 fps in bad ping (40-60) still managed it. Only my nerves were gone at some point. Names I don't say I'm no longer proud of the past.
Respect that you made it this far with such settings.
Just have to pull through, always train with the latest tricks and lots of games.
Thank you, I'm practicing practicing practicing