What to upgrade to be able to play fluent Fortnite?

- in Hardware

As I get a different opinion everywhere, I hope for a concrete answer regarding my gaming PC. This is about 4 years old and Fortnite runs on lowest settings only with about 60fps. In a fight or similar with about 30fps. Should I try to upgrade my PC or just buy a new one? And what should I upgrade? Currently: GTX960, 8GB memory, AMD 6300 SIx core processor. I would be very happy about a feedback.


Have exactly the same PC and everything runs smoothly for me.

Download the Geforce Experience program (boost your graphics card)

Then download adwarecleaner and run (clean pc from malware and programs in the background to pull the power). Check out what you're talking to your friends about (program) (if skype go commit not alive). If you have done all this it should run smoothly to 60 fps


The CPU is nothing. With a FX8350 you could possibly start something but invest now in an AM3+ platform? If you have your budget ago, I would put on a new structure: new board, other CPU, DDR4 RAM (16GB) and a slightly more potent Graka.


I would put the PC NEW times. So reinstall the OS.

The CPU is borderline, but should be enough.