Gsync and latency mode?

- in Hardware

I'm starting to despair because there are so many different opinions. I play Fortnite on a 240hz monitor and have an i7 8086k and a gtx 1080 ti with which I can use the 240hz well in most cases. Now to my real question 😄 should I switch on or skip gsync and should I also switch the low latency mode on or off?


But yes, if your monitor has GSync, you should definitely activate it. This means that you will not see any torn / truncated images, and you will also not get any FPS drops. The latency should also be very good.

Of course you have to turn off VSYNC when you use Gsync.

But do not let yourself go crazy, you yourself notice best of all what works best for you, right? 😊


Thank you very much.

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