Performance fluctuations despite strong components?

- in Hardware

I have been playing in the competitive game industry for quite some time, as you surely know, you also need the right equipment. I would have preferred to put together a PC myself because I have acquired enough specialist knowledge, but then I discovered an offer from the PC manufacturer "Captiva".


CPU: AMD Ryzen 2700x

GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 Ti


Motherboard: Gigabyte X470 Aorus Ultra Gaming

(Device is overclocked from the house, CPU & GPU)

(For those interested among you, price: 2100 euro)

I have not listed hard drives and power supply, is relatively irrelevant for performance. It is only important for you to know that my 500W power supply will surely bring enough power to supply the whole.

For some time now, however, I have noticed strong performance losses. For example, while I can read good numbers in green (FPS display) in videos from various content creators, this is not the case for me. I currently play Valorant very actively, but I noticed this in Fortnite. I had strong FPS drops or constant poor performance from time to time. For information, play on a 144 HZ screen from HP, my graphics driver and other drivers are always up to date, I have also made various changes in the installation area, my system runs on the current Windows version. Also the in-game graphics settings are no problems, mostly let everything run at low, I prefer high settings only in casual games like Forza Motorsport or GTA.

Since the device and the associated components will certainly find a place in the high-end area, I'm strongly convinced that I should surely achieve over 240 FPS at low graphics settings (e.g. Valorant / CS: GO / Fortnite).

What are these fluctuations in reading, what can I do about it? Does the combination of a Ryzen 7 2700x and a 2080 Ti not fit?

I'm happy for any answer, thank you in advance.


So I just wanted to note that a Ryzen 7 2700x isn't high end. And please don't buy more Captiva scrap.


If possible, set the maximum FPS to e.g. 240 or so, because there are fewer burglaries


I'm aware of a 2080 Ti, however. So I said yes: does this combination of GPU & CPU create problems? And as I said, I originally wanted to build a PC myself, but the offer was really tempting.


Which cooling design of the 2080ti do you use and which cpu cooler do you use? What does your airflow look like?


I tried with 144 and 240. Neither showed any change.


Have you reinstalled Windows before? Sometimes that's the solution.


Now I have the Founders Edition, I have 5 case fans, 3 in the front, one in the back and one on the top of the case. My processor fan is an ordinary block from Xilence.

Here is a picture which should show the housing best:


I have already done so has brought no change.


No not. And if you want an improvement now, I would take an i5 10600 in combination with a z490 mainboard


Maybe check the temperatures


Well then maybe you have 10fps more. And an i5 is certainly not a high end and not suitable for streaming if you still want to have more fps


Should have to check again at home, but was always normal.



When there are fluctuations in the performance of good components, I first have to think about temperature problems, check that out.

It may sound strange now, but try setting the resolution higher, 1440p for example. So you have less fps but it relieves the CPU and loads the GPU more, because the laggs could be caused by a light CPU bottleneck

In addition, at what speed does the RAM run? Ram is pretty important to Ryzen


The i5 is pretty blatant. It clocks up to 5 Ghz. I think you have no idea


There are several housings, please link the exact housing.


When I read "Xilence cooler" it was not a good offer. The most expensive graphics card on the market but then you take the cheapest cooler you can get.


To overclock the i5 I need the K version, which costs the same as the 3700x.

I can overclock the 3700x on almost every b450board.

For the 10600k I need a z490 board that is at least 100 euro more expensive.

A cheap cooler is sufficient for the 3700x. With the i5 you can hardly get past an aio.

And all the effort for 10fos more in pure gaming, but 4 threads less if streaming / rendering should be done 2

No thanks!


Have to look at the temperature topic again at home, whereby I have to say that the system never runs hot or gets loud.

My RAM is clocked at 2400 MHz, a DDR4 kit is divided on four cards (32 GB).

I can definitely try the whole thing, thanks for your tip.


I have to agree with you, it is really a poor report Do you think an upgrade in this area would not only guarantee a better airflow but also bring a noticeable change?


Oh sorry Here is a specific link: Is not the same version, but it has the same housing, the same air system and the same processor fan.


Ok just 2400mhz that could be the problem.

Does the RAM only support 2400mhz or have you just not created the XMP profile?


I have to admit "XMP profile" I'm listening to for the first time - maybe this is the problem. How and where do I put one on?


By default, the RAM does not run at the speed it was made for. This only happens when you create the XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) in the BIOS

But that doesn't do you much if your RAM only supports 2400Mhz

Would either read on the RAM sticks what speed it says on it or quickly check the BIOS to see if you can select an XMP profile


Well, I'll have it booted like this tonight. Let's see if something's going to happen, maybe I'll get back to you, otherwise it should go noticeably better.


Yes, faster RAM makes a good difference with Ryzen

Which pc components for this? ba balineseMemory