Pc games crashing?

- in Hardware

Evening, the following problem: my games crash on my pc. The pc is 3 months young, since the beginning games crashed sometimes I could play for a few hours but then another crash occurred. Warzone, Valorant, Rainbow, Fortnite are affected for testing. I made all the settings and reset the PC, reinstalled Windows and undervolted the GPU. I can play Rainbow if I set the FPS limit to 55. Other friends with the same or similar setup have no problems. I also checked the CPU in a benchmark, it was flawless. As well as it is in the crash reports that the GPU clocks could not complete. Drivers are all new and I've tried old ones.

GPU Gtx 1660 Super

Cpu Rayzn 5 3600

Ram Corsair 16 GB 3600 MHz

(good cooling is provided).

I ask for help what could I do, to the readers have a nice evening.


And the GPU Undervoltet

that the gpu takts could not complete

Since your GPU seems to be the problem, you should undervolting here and reinstall your drivers.


Yes, unfortunately I had already brought nothing.

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