Problem with Geforce experience and Fortnite?

- in Hardware

My problem is that I got geforce experience about 12 days ago because of clips etc. 1 day after I got it and was in fn I couldn't play I clicked something and nothing happened then I pressed the Windows key pressed to close fortnite and suddenly what I clicked opened. I'll tell you my mouse doesn't only work in Fortnite when I press the Windows key

sry for the spelling i'm not good at that


Hey have you ever tried to install your Geforce EX enerut sounds like a bug had crept in

Ps we're not here to evaluate your spelling but because we try to help other people ignore the self-learning spelling police


@ DomeLPs have reinstalled the geforce ex did not work the loading screen takes too long and it is the same as before

PS. I've tested other games where everything works wonderfully


Sounds like a problem in Fortnite, try to reset the settings in Fortnite using the controller