OBS shots freezes?

- in Hardware

The following problem so I have a GTX 1070 8GB and a Ryzen 2700X and 16 GB of RAM
Anyway, if I like games like Fortnite, Apex Legends or any other game I play, then sometimes I get freezes in the recordings, whether it's recorded with the replay buffer or with the normal recording, I always get those freezes just what completely disturbs.
I have recorded between 50-100k cbr and also have 4 audio tracks, I have also gone through various file types (mp4, mov, mkv) and it did not get better. I use the NVENC coder and have meanwhile tried the new one, but unfortunately without success.
Have already synonymous CQP tried to code, but unfortunately that does not help synonymous.
I have already changed in the FPS between 60 and 120 and the resolution to 720p and during the zockens record with my gpu maximum of 60%, so I do not know why I get these lags, since the encoder logically not be overloaded can and dropped frames it does not show me either.
Been a bit long, would be nice if you could help me, have really done a lot of research but probably had jmd the same problem and if we're already there when I record with x264 encoder, then my Cpu is the gaming usually at 40%, immediately at 100% and everything lies. The recording and while recording
Small edit down here, it's all about that it has in the shots freezes of 2-3 seconds, not when recording and in the finished recordings, although each cpu and gpu under 50% last are all the time.



Look first because of x264 what your system should be https://docs.google.com/...1348732796

I do not know what you mean by 50-100k. Is probably synonymous for eponymous bitrate?


https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/nvidia-nvenc-guide.740/ NVEnc means that GraKa does your job. Also seems to give NVEnc x264.

but if you take only x264 then that will probably have to afford the CPU, that would be feasible at the most with streams of 3500 or so (with luck) but if you want to make recordings in high quality then your CPU is so busy. Remember that a GPU with all its helpers is XXX times faster in floating point operations, but a CPU is not made, a CPU can do everything, a GPU and its helpers can do exactly what they were built for.


Well, first of all, there are enough people who still eat with the Cpu, but it is better to take the graphics card to relieve the Cpu. Yes, I mean the bitrate with 50 -100k, I also talk about recording and not streaming.


I also know what others do, but CPU is of course much more burdened. Would interest me what settings you need so that it is not 100%. Otherwise, I can only imagine that the writing of the memory on the disk at most can still produce a stop, maybe the game tle the game just kontent, etc. I do not know nciht if you have a hard disk taken on an extra sata controller. Are just a lot of factors, first look how far you have to reduce the CPU to have low, z.b. By almost, ultrafast profile or or. Then you can close something. So easy to say, yes is 100%, can only say yes is 100%, just stop at your settings so, who knows if you still have a virus scanner when writing synonymous still looks etc that it then jerky. Can be synonymous any software nerft in between. In the past, you were happy to be able to stream any quality at all because the CPU simply did not grab anything good in real time. Since you would not have taken any codec of somehow something reduced sodner would have taken AVI with direct output 1: 1. What then gigabyte you did not have and where the hard drive was too slow in various problems led.


You did not just mention it, you asked why 100% and now the answer does not suit you, and blabla OTHERS also take on CPU… Yes then just do not ask and do not nerf if you get frustrated. Clever people are happy about information, you do not seem to, what does that tell us.


The title says why the RECORDINGS have FREEZES, I DO NOT HAVE ANY PROBLEM BUT AFTER THIS THE FINISHED RECORDINGS HAVE FREEZES. So like I think you did not quite understand the meaning ^^