PC freezes and shows strange symbols?

- in Hardware

I hope you can help me.

I bought about 3 months ago a PC from HP.
Here are a few details:
HP Omen Obelisk
Win 10 64-bit Home
Intel Core i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
32GB Ram
GeForce RTX 2080

Have the PC restored to an older date, unfortunately without success.
Have all available drivers aktuallisiert, unfortunately without success.
Have a virus scanner performed, unfortunately without success.

Since I'm currently playing only Fortnite and Home Office so I do not know what it is.

If I'm writing the message here just like this… Or do something on my desktop everything is fine, but as soon as I play Fortnite OR (watch youtube videos by the way) my whole system crashes. Sometimes he closes Fortnite and I get an error message that does not help me. Sometimes the PC simply restarts after having its trailer. And sometimes he just does not do anything anymore so I have to turn it off via the power supply.
I once added the pictures of what a "seizure" looks like.

I hope someone has seen it in this way before and can help me.

Thanks in advance.

PC freezes and shows strange symbols PC freezes and shows strange symbols - 1

Graphics card overloaded may have ram failed


Thanks for the answer. But HOW can ne RTX2080 or the PC be overloaded when I play 5 minutes and have played on the eve 5 hours. What can I do now? That happens in every round no matter what the situation


Looks like the video card has some problems. One Chicken? Warranty?


Just because everything worked yesterday did not have to be healthy today.

Technical device tends to be exhausted if you just need it


Addition: If you know something, just screw it on and look for the fan and GPU, maybe there's no cable plugged in or the PC is totally overheated.


I still have warranty. I'll contact HP once. Can't be. The graka generally gets very hot very quickly


Most likely graphics card is broken. Contact dealer and send in.


HP tried to achieve via chat which is offered everywhere. But joa who would have thought more error messages than anything else.


Did you buy that over HP? Otherwise you should contact the dealer anyway. Before of course, do not forget to back up all data.

For the artifacts it is very safe the graphics card, which is simply broken.

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