My Fortnite freezes when I want to join a round PC?

- in Battle Royale
My Fortnite freezes when I want to join a round PC

Whenever I want to join a round, I'm stuck in the loading screen and it says "Connecting…". When I come into a round, it is when everyone is on the battle bus or the battle bus is almost at the end of the route. The buildings won't load, my pickaxe won't load, and I can't jump or move when I'm on an uncharged building. The uncharged buildings can be seen in the picture.


Is it because of your laptop…

it looks very very very old…


It could be your PC. Maybe you should (if not already available) consider getting a LAN cable.

Has at least made a difference for me.


Okay thanks


Your laptop doesn't look like one that has a lot of power here either. It doesn't even render your area and your skin.

This is most likely due to your PC and not the game.


It won't be the LAN cable, I can tell you now. Your laptop can't handle fortnite because it can't handle it

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