Should I join an esports organization?


Yo people. I'm an "esporter" in Fortnite and have already earned around 20,000 euro. A good friend of mine, plays for an organization (Wave esports). He told me that it is about time for me to join an ORG. The thing is, I don't stream and have no regular income, except for 25 euro pocket money. The thing is I have to give up a percentage even though I don't have a regular income. Now that I get my new pc soon, I'll start streaming, but I doubt it will give me massive donations. When should I join or should I be chief?


Yes you can join an organization. I think you got it wrong about the taxes. So when you join an organization like Wave as a pro player there's usually a contract. But it doesn't say you e.g. Pay 1000 euro every month, most of the time they say e.g. You have to give up 15% of your earnings that you get and e.g. 10% of the stream and for this you get e.g. 2000 euro a month. It's not always like that, but as far as I know for most of them.

If you have the chance you should think twice because an org has many advantages but also a couple of nights. You just have to look yourself

(Btw also numbers are fictitious and do not have to be related to reality)

Esports area? Sh Shrimp55