New computer hangs?

- in Hardware

I'm very desperate right now. I recently bought a new gaming PC through Dubaro, everything went great for the first few days. I bought Windows 10 new, updated all drivers, am virus-protected and also took care of all other security matters, no problems in this regard are recognized. When I start a game, e.g. Forza Horizon 4, GTA or Fortnite, it happens very often that the whole screen freezes and I can still move my mouse and close some tabs, the PC also runs very quietly, as before, on, but otherwise it got hung up completely. I can't shut it down via the computer either, but have to turn it off and on again manually using the on / off button on the PC. I used 2 screens, but the problem arises when using a single screen. The PC doesn't overheat, it is of very high quality and, as I said, runs super smoothly, even when the game is running. But when it works and I open a chrome tab, for example, everything freezes again.
Can someone help me?


Sounds like some part isn't in the right place or the cooling doesn't run smoothly. At least that's my guess.

We can't tell you like that, but that can be due to many things.


Where can I get help, maybe you know that?


The PC is new so basically where you bought it. Send in and have it repaired. Or was it a finished or individual parts?


Was a finished product that came in a package. I'll call there now.


That sounds reasonable. In general, I would always recommend that you contact the retailer for new goods