PC hangs up like a kek?


Suppose I play Fortnite. At some point it happens, if something big happens that my WHOLE pc hangs for 20 30 seconds.

Need help to fixxen.


Watch hdmi times, gpu re-plug again


Your hardware is simply overwhelmed and can't handle the stressful situations. So then arise the still images / stuttering.

In an answer from you I could read you are driving on an I7 2700k, with good reason, but this CPU has now reached the Stone Age. With the GraKa you should have no problems, but the CPU slows you down.

You should reduce your chosen graphics settings to a minimum and then try again.

I would also guess you only have 8GB of DDR3 RAM, which makes the whole thing more difficult. Current gaming systems should have at least 16GB DDR4 RAM to have enough buffers. It is not uncommon that the current games suck on the RAM, so it may well depending on the selected settings in the game come to the whole of the RAM is occupied. Your remaining system needs some RAM to run.

You should upgrade soon, with your GraKa you can still work for now but the CPU and RAM should be adjusted slightly. You will not come around to buy a new motherboard, on your current you will probably get no more current CPU on it.

It may be helpful if you rewrite your system, the longer a system is in operation, the more 'garbage' accumulates on the background resources and you have no buffer with your current system that you can give away.


Easy fix in three steps:

Uninstall Fortnite
Write 1000x by hand on a paper: "Fortnite play only larry"
Buy clever PC and play decent games

Ez lifehack! Works guaranteed!


Colleague, I make money with Fortnite because of that no thanks.


Yeah… The abstruse world of Wannabestreamer and Weirdos who also spend money on Twitch to watch the same failing… Must not understand.
Either way. If your PC does not pack the game, you should at least take note of point 3.


What for Jaja? And colleague, I do not stream. I booste for money. So please. And yet, the problem has occurred recently.


Well… At ner 970 and his rather old processor, I doubt that it has ever run smoothly. But that's your thing. What often helps is cleaning up the PC. So defrag (except for SSDs!), Let's run the Windows system cleanup and if that does not help, sometimes completely new. Meißtens brings a lot.


But an i7 2700k should still be enough for Fortnite


If all settings concerning the graphics are set to low, then you could possibly play it.

But one should not forget that busy scenes put any system under load, even strong systems can break something with a certain amount of effects. Well, with such systems, the FPS let something go and instead of stable 100, it's just 80 times, but with weak systems, that's much more noticeable.