I'm a beginner, mainly play Fortnite and therefore want to get over 80 fps. (play 1-2 hours) ||| BUILD YOURSELF ||
I also have a 144 hz monitor
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ex Plus 4GB GDDR6
MAINBOARD: https://geizhals.de/...pl&hloc=uk
Processor: Intel Core i5 10400F with cooler
RAM: HyperX 2x 8GB 2666 MHz RAM DDR4
SSD: SanDisk 480 GB SSD Plus
Power supply: Be quit! System Power 9 400W
Case: Aerocool Bolt mini case
Fan: Arctic F12 PWN PST 2nd piece of white case fan
does it all fit together and is that good?
The Intel does not fit on the motherboard. Does the monitor have g-sync? The 1650 ti probably doesn't reach 144fps, and only then does a 144hz monitor make sense.
mainboard: AsRock B450M-HDV R4.0 B450 AMD
Processor: Intel Core i5 10400F with cooler
AMD boards don't go with Intel CPUs.
What should I take instead?
At the moment graphics cards are unfortunately overpriced, if you still wait you get better ones for your budget and my wrong mainboard for the processor
, that should be suitable:
Yes, it costs a little more, your chosen mainboard is not recommended for AMD CPUs either, because it does not even have a cooled voltage converter.
The monitor has free-sync.
If you want the CPU, a motherboard that also fits, AMDs do not go with Intel on your motherboard
And what do you think on how much fps I could get? (1080p, 144 hz monitor)
Look for a cpu on geizhals.de and then look for the supported chipsets. If you have that, pick out your board. I would say that now.
, 144fps should already be there in performance mode, shouldn't drop below 144fps even for a short time.
I can take that https://geizhals.de/...pl&hloc=uk
That won't do you any good, because it's for AMD. Your card needs g-sync
That's good then. Would you recommend anything else to me?
Does this mainboard work? https://geizhals.de/...pl&hloc=uk
Yes, it works.
And what do you think of the pc?
The rest is OK.
On how much fps could I get in Fortnite e.g. (1080p, 144 Hz monitor)
Well, I'll put it like this: 144fps might even be possible. Not necessarily epic, but it can work. However, other games will not run as smoothly. But it's okay. What is your budget actually?