Which of the two PCs?

- in Hardware

PC 1

Which of the two PCs

PC 2

Which of the two PCs - 1


I would like to get one of the following two PCs in the next few days.

See pictures above

I plan on playing with the PC Fortnite, as well as being able to stream properly.

Now I ask for your advice, which it may be?

Ps: I would still be able to buy additional 8Gb of RAM on PC1, if that were the case.

I'd be happy for help.


Of course, the price, but if, then I would take PC 1.
The CPU is more than enough for gambling and equal to the 6700k, as long as you do not overclock it.

The graphics card is also much stronger.


Although PC 2 has an i7, but one of the 6th generation. This is not really up to date anymore and should not be bought again. Although you do not always need the latest but in the fast pace of the industry you should at least always buy something as up to date. The GTX 1060 has 6GB which is basically ok.

PC 1 has a more recent CPU and a 6 Core Intel i5. These things are always very interesting. However, the single-core performance is lower than the i7 6700k. Although the performance is similar, an application must also support multicore utilization. The graphics card is stronger than PC 2. This is of course very interesting for gaming. The 8GB RAM I consider for your purposes for too little or certainly a bit short.

So summarized: Just as the PCs are there PC 2 is better. If you have the opportunity to expand PC 1 to 16GB RAM, PC 1 is better in my opinion. In any case, I would go the way of PC 1 + upgrade with a new purchase.


Okay, thank you very much will probably buy PC1 and buy another 8GB of RAM.

Tell me, how is that if already, as the case above, 8GB are installed, and I want to have 16GB, I have to expand the 8GB and install 16GB or can iwie just buy and install 8? 😅

Sry for the stupid question, but have little idea of PCS


It works both, but it depends a little:

The motherboard has four RAM slots. Presumably two slots are consumed with 4GB RAM each. So you can just buy 2x4GB again and fill the remaining slots. It would be best to use identical RAM bars, so that the whole remains consistent.

The RAM bars should be installed according to some rules. For example, with 4 slots, if two are used, one slot should always be skipped:

(That would look like with 16GB RAM with two bars of 8GB each in 4 slots)

Slot: 8GB
Slot: empty
Slot: 8GB
Slot: empty

If you only buy, I would do it like this:

Slot: Existing 4GB
Slot: New 4GB
Slot: Existing 4GB
Slot: New 4GB

The cleanest would be to buy 4x4GB or even better 2x8GB new. You can also use RAM with a higher clock frequency than the 2133 MHz, which increases the performance. But you have to be sure that the motherboard supports it too. The advantage of the new purchase would be that you do not need the same RAM bars as the existing one but you can decide for yourself for a good product.

But it would make sense to buy first and then look at the situation:

Is it really a total of 4 slots?
How many RAM bars are installed?
Which RAM bars are installed?


I strongly recommend that you buy a https://www.mindfactory.de/...11126.html and sell the old RAM. Because the PC1 has age-old slow 2133 MHz RAM, this slows down the CPU, about -20% compared to the 3000 MHz…


I agree with GandalfAwA.

A new kit is the best decision but also much more expensive than upgrading. But I think when you buy a complete kit you still have the better value for money.


If you upgrade the RAM for example with 16 GB G.Skill Aegis 3000MHz, which costs just 90 euro, the PC is top.

However, I do not know what the person wants and whether the price is justified.

You can already build yourself a new PC with slightly better performance for about 750 euro (with 16GB RAM). Accordingly, look that the price is justified and you are not ripped off. Finished you get a better PC for 900 euro.

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