I got banned from Fortnite for softaiming. I've now bought a new PC, I've already made a similar post, but I wanted to go back to the topic: Monitor Ban I looked around the internet a bit and couldn't really find anything on the topic of Monitor Ban. So do I have to be afraid of being banned again because of my monitor?
Apparently this is just a registry entry that you can change.
HKLM> System> CurrentControlSet> Control> IDConfigDB> HardwareProfiles> 0001
'' I have now bought a new PC ''
The ban is justified. Deal with it
Your monitor is not banned, I already told you if you would cheat in rust, for example, then that would not be the case with Fortnite
Bans EAC only for one game or for everyone who also has EAC because then I would just download RUST and check it.
Eac only bans for the game where you were banned
But that wasn't my question.
Okay thanks, you're the only productive answer again haha
Yes, but I'm also easily triggered.
As long as what you say is productive, everything is okay I just had to laugh a lot at the other comment, some people are really angry at posts about cheating haha
Well I program myself so I have the knowledge and not the half-knowledge of what was spread by paste cheat makers xDX
But my answer
Well then I don't have to worry about a new pc