Why does my PC automatically switch off when gaming (fortnite)?

- in Hardware

I have a problem with my computer… As soon as I open Fortnite and play for about 15 minutes, my PC turns off completely. Without restarting or anything else, as if I pressed shutdown and it turns off in the background. All fans are working and I have already sent the PC in for repair. When the PC came back, it worked perfectly for about 2 weeks and then again with the same problems. So it may not be due to the CPU, because I even play on normal settings (although my PC recommends the best graphics setting) and yes. Does anyone have nh solution?

I have already opened the side windows of the case so that some air can get in, but no it doesn't work. It only happens to me while playing.


Log the temperatures. Hwinfo64 is e.g. Good


Could you send me your hardware?


Either your cooling capacity is insufficient or the hardware can't do it. What kind of power supply do you have, how many watts does it have?