Does gaming pc get too hot?

- in Hardware

I've bought a new game, but it always gets very hot when I play Fortnite. The cpu gets 85-89 degrees but the graphics card only 50 degrees. The fans only turn to 50 percent at these temperatures

Question 1: are these temperatures too high?

Question 2: Is the fan speed appropriate at these temperatures?

Question 3: Should I also build a water cooling system?


1: That is already close to the limit, shortly before the security shutdown
2: You should turn it up fully, you can also configure the fans individually in the BIOS
3: Usually a top blower should be enough, but you should probably buy a better fan


89 degrees are already quite hot (anything up to 85 degrees is just acceptable, depending on the CPU).
Try to adjust the fan curve, from 85 degrees the fans should run at full speed.

From 70 degrees I would set the fans to 75% of maximum speed, if the temperatures still don't get better, water cooling or a good air cooler might be good.

The temperature of the graphics card is very good.


Which CPU did you use?

I don't see any concerns with anything below 95 degrees under load. The CPUs are usually specified for temperature operation up to 100 degrees.

Of course, it now depends on which CPU is installed in your PC in order to be able to assess this.


I have the Intel Core i7


Which CPU and which cooler? That can be normal depending on the situation.


My CPU is the Intel Core i7


Which of the meanwhile 200 different i7 CPUs on the market?

No, but the temperature is fine.


Intel Core i7 10700


Thank you already

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