Good games to look for?

- in Hardware

I'm looking for a game that you can play for hours without getting bored.

The best thing is a free or not too expensive one.

Please do not suggest these games (CoD warzone, Apex Legends, Fortnite, Csgo, Rainbow 6)

Eg CoD warzone doesn't pack my graphics card.


Destiny 2. The basic version is free on Steam.


If you hate Nexus Mod try Skyrim and if you somehow get the classic version (2011) play the gigamod enderal


Destiny 2 is played so quickly if you don't pay anything ahahahha


The game that I'm very freer at the moment is hearthstone


The only game I've been looking for for years and still haven't gotten bored is simply Rainbow Six Siege.


WoW, lol or minecraft


Standing up there, he doesn't want to.


Grad don't even think is a battle royale with werewolves and of course free of charge. In addition, it sometimes has around 15 GB and no high demands when it comes to graphics.

Rocket League would also be fun on a long-term level (game for around 2 years) and also costs around 20 euro

Monster Hunter World is also a lot of fun (600+ hours) but costs a bit more and also requires more graphics power from your card.


Yes, I know, but that's the only game I can still look for after all these years without getting bored.


Once you get in the game yes.

as a beginner it is very difficult (especially with smurfs and matchmaking)


That's right, it's not as easy as it was back then. When I started there were only 20 operators and some maps less ^^