Fortnite 21: 9 in stretched mode?

- in Hardware

I would like to set Fortnite in stretched… The problem is that I have a 21: 9 screen. Therefore, I would like to know if you can view the picture of the monitor in 16: 9 and dan can adjust it in Fortnite on 4: 3? Dane in advance for the answer!


Play in 16: 9.


As you buy expensive hardware and plays the game streched in 800x600 ° Face Palm


You press windowstaste + R then comes a field where you can enter something, there you enter% localappdata%, then you are in a folder and you are looking for dewn folder "Fortnite Game" click on save> config> WindowsClient there are quite a few stretches files. You are looking for the file "GameUserSettings" make a right-click on it, go to properties and click if the "write-protected" cussing is still inside you take it out (you'll understand ) if it is not inside you can go to the next step. You open it with editor, notepad ++ or a writing program of your choice, then you search for ResolutionSizeX = 1440

ResolutionSizeY = 1080

LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX = 1440

LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY = 1080

with you that looks different (the numbers) and change it to what I have. You save, you enter in read-only and go into fortnite.


The problem is that this looks very funny because the screen is just 21: 9 … So if I look at the ground in Fortnite and I turn dan it distorts the floor so weird so it is always dragged out…


Hmm… I can't help you with that


The only thing I could do is send you my gameconfig via discord


Thanks anyway! ^^


And where is the problem? Playing games in Streched has many advantages.


But you probably have no 21: 9 screen or?


I find synonymous if it would work for me…