Buy used msi gtx 970 4gb for 80 euro?

- in Hardware

I would like to upgrade my graphics card asus gtx 650 ti and have my money opened, I have 110 euro available maximum I would like to spend 120 euro, now I found a used msi gtx 970 4gb for 80 euro and wanted to know if it's worth it would I then league of legends, fortnite and maybe mmorpgs like WoW, what do you think? My current processor is an i5 with 4x ~ 3.0ghz and 8gb Ram memory and a 500w power supply.


For the price great, I can only really recommend, would be good to know what kind of a processor you have, but would say that it is not necessarily a problem if it is at least a quad core and you do not want to play Battlefield or something.


For your requirements, the Graka always enough, the price is also neat.
The 500W should be enough.