Why does system interruption and system CPU usage drain?

- in Hardware

Is this normal the system interrupt 5% and system 6% CPU utilization pulls?

And is the normal that pulls Fortnite 70-100% utilization?


5% is an acceptable value for interrupts (which actually means system interrupts, because processes are waiting to get time for CPU processing again because they were interrupted by something, either simply because their reserved CPU time was over For example, the keyboard sends interrupt commands to the CPU so that the current process is interrupted so that the keyboard input can be processed directly).

Of course, the system itself needs CPU time, too, that's ok.

But the Fortnite utilization gives me more to think, which processor did you install in the computer? Do you quickly find out if you press on your keyboard the Windows (mostly lower left) and the Pause key (via the arrow keys).


I have an I5 7400 3.0GHz and a GTX 1050 ti mini 4GB and 8GB Ram


And it only behaves like this at fortnite? Alt-Tabbe get out of the game and watch the Task Manager in different games.


Yes, 70-80% will continue to use the rest and system shutdown


That seems to me to be relatively normal then, because Fortnite is quite resource hungry as you read