Can I earn money by playing highlights?


My question is whether I can earn money with fortnite compilations / highlights (monetaries). Say you take different excerpts from YouTubern and put it all together in one video.

Does anyone have experience with it or know about it?

Like this


Do you have the consent of the whole Youtuber to use their video material commercially?


No I have not.

but there are numerous channels with a million subscribers and the used felt by every YouTuber videos


"The others do it too" is the stupidest argument ever, no matter if others do it without the consent of the people it is punishable! And besides, how do you know that they do not have the consent?


Even if not, this is currently not actually pursued. It is punishable.


They usually get their permission… If you do not, it can cost you a lot of money


No you must not, unless you have the permission.

Sure, there are many who upload it anyway, but if they get big enough and the Youtuber / Streamer sees it, then they can let you strike or claim.
Some networks even do it that way without the Youtuber being aware.

For example, Montana Black has allowed only two or three channels, everything else that he sees is being gestured or claimed.


Is not tracked? You're funny.


Thanks for your answer!


I mean criminal and civil law. That Youtube locks is already clear.


Criminal law not, because it actually does not constitute a criminal offense. Civil law, of course, something is "tracked", or what do you mean, how many warnings go out just because of something daily with some very high omission claims?


Far too many. However, the small Letsplayer, which is probably cut into the video in the case, probably has not hired a lawyer. This is of course something else in professional YouTube / networks, I agree with you.


Even the little Letsplayer is up to that, and if it were about me, I would do it… Finally, do not object…


What is due and what can be enforced are two different things. If you want to remit someone, you must first come to the address. So that means:

Advice on whether the excerpt from the citation right etc. Is covered → Attorney's fees

Query of the IP on Youtube → Attorney fees, maybe legal proceedings

Court decision to return the IP address of residence → court costs and risk that the application will be rejected. If the application is filed too late, the IP may no longer be ascertainable. Maybe you are already at the point out, since VPN or hotspot was used.

Cover letter from the connection owner → Attorney's fees and risk that the offender remains unknown (fault liability etc…) or no concrete proof is possible.

So summarized: As a small Letsplayer you have to advance several hundred euro (or much more much more) for lawyers, wait forever and most likely get in the end, nothing. In such cases it is only worthwhile to admonish on a larger scale.


Legal expenses insurance ftw?


Of course, you're right. But your chances of success remain rather mediocre…

Fiverr earn money? Ti TightsPatrick16