Is it a sin to scan people in fortnite save the world?


Is it a sin to fool someone in the online game?


Clear. Oh and I have 5 million sketches xp and every weapon on lvl 130


God doesn't know video games. He knows only bad and good. It's bad what you do, so God won't like it. But he certainly won't send you to hell right away because there's nothing more insignificant in the world than the game Fortnite.


What if I scam a scammer?


Then he scams back


It doesn't matter where, when or how you do it. The deed and the result for your counterpart play a role.


I mean it's sin because it's unjust, but God stands for righteousness


What did Jesus teach us in the Sermon on the Mount? Not an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, but forbearance. Leave the punishment to the hand of God that he can punish, if he wants, much more so you could ever do it. Your motive is classy but contradicts what God has taught us


The question can easily be answered by a digit

Matthew 5: 43-45

You heard that it said, "You should love your neighbor" and hate your enemy. But I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you are children of your Father in heaven.

A scammer can be seen as an enemy, because he wants something bad for you. Nevertheless, you should treat them with respect and pray for them, whoever it is, God lets the sun rise over good and bad, he makes it rain for the just and the unjust. It is not in your hands to punish them, leave it to God, he can punish them much harder than a human could ever do


One can only say "amen".