I have been downloading Fortnite jzt for about 2.5 hours but I'm only 30% (8.5GB / 22.3GB)
Is that due to me or the Fortnite servers or is the file just too big?
I ask for help I have a relatively good line (https://www.wieistmeineip.de/speedtest/ in this test came out with me "30ms perfect")
Get on your internet. A 30ms ping is a good average, but in this case your download rate is more interesting, you can see it on every speed test.
I would just say wait and if necessary download the game over the night, 22GB are a fair bit.
My download is 10.2mbit / s
10.2 mbit / s are about 1 MB / s - with 22.3 GB you need about 6-7 hours to land down
That is not very much indeed.
Yes, it is normal. I have about 10 to 12 mbit and took a very long time.
It's not about Fortnite, but about your internet connection. Let it load over the night.
When ner lame line that takes just… And what should tell me your ping to the page?