Ready a gaming PC for 200 euro?


I'm currently looking for a ready-made gaming PC for 200 euro where games like Rainbow 6 Siege and Fortnite run well. If someone finds a PC please send the link.


In this price class you will find without exception high-end pcs, which you can play without hesitation for all current games even on the highest / fastest settings.


For 200 euro, I would generally advise against it.
It only makes sense from 600 euro.

But right now the prices for PCs are very expensive. If you can wait another year.


If Da is not missing a 0, unfortunately I have to reject the request. 200 euro is the price range from which you get a PC that does not only consist entirely of used parts. That is enough for surfing, watching films and doing simple office work.

But so that the box is even approximately suitable for halfway up-to-date titles, you have to at least double the budget - in view of the current hardware prices, almost triple it - to even begin to meet the request.

In the past one would have said: For a game computer that should be taken seriously, 200 euro is the budget that is paid for the graphics card alone. But even these have doubled in price over the past six months.


Don't troll in


Calculate your budget x 5.

Then you should get a good gaming PC.


If you're lucky, a used PS4.

For a PC must already be around 700-800 euro.


Oh sorry, i had read 2,000 fleetingly, i'm sorry




For 200 euro you get a processor.

600 euro PCs aren't good either because they don't have a graphics card.

You should take at least 800-1000 euro in your hand.


At the moment you shouldn't buy a pc either way.