YouTube new child protection guidelines?


Since I just do not find anything suitable I ask here.

Sure, yes, you will have to register if the videos you are uploading are for kids or not, and since it makes it seem somehow nobody knows what children are and what not I would have the following questions:

1. Are gaming videos for children, if the game shown has an age rating of 0, 6 or 12?

| 1.2. So are Fortnite videos / streams of z.b. | _Ninja also for children?

2. Is it true that you can get fines of up to $ 47,000 if you pick the wrong of the two things?

3. Would a Minecraft video showing GTA 5 clips for 5-20 seconds no longer be for children, or would you get a penalty for doing so, even though the rest of the content would be aimed at children?


1. Are gaming videos for children, if the game shown has an age rating of 0, 6 or 12?

Also come back to the YouTuber / Streamer on it. If this is a lot of cussing, or doing other things that are not allowed in the YT guidelines, then it is not for kids.

| 1.2. So are Fortnite videos / streams of z.b. | _Ninja also for children?

Depends on the individual.

2. Is it true that you can get fines of up to $ 47,000 if you pick the wrong of the two things?

No idea, would not have read anything. But there will definitely be some consequences.

3. Would a Minecraft video showing GTA 5 clips for 5-20 seconds no longer be for children, or would you get a penalty for doing so, even though the rest of the content would be aimed at children?

Also depends on what clips.
Although I do not think that one can answer this question flat rate.


Because it makes it seem that somehow nobody knows what kind of children

The question YouTube poses is this content specific to children?

1.) Was the video produced specifically for children? No? Then the answer is no.

1.2.) With Fortnite the same applies as with point 1, whereby the factor of the violence comes to it, since it is released starting from 12, the answer is likely to be rather no in most cases.

2.) The whole is based on a US law, Google just enforces it, Google will ban corresponding accounts that do not stick to or set the videos wrong.

3.) Same question as everytime, is the video made especially for kids? Yes? Then you have to keep in the selection of scenes according to the regulations that are set by YouTube or US law.

The question is quite simple in the end, who is your target audience? And so you can work then, direct your videos to adolescents, they are rather not intended for children, you want to reach a specific audience the ka. From 24 - 35 years old, the question should also be unnecessary.

Can videos still be suitable for children? Quite, but you have to ask the question only if you also have children as a target audience.


Because it was discussed if a z.b. Minecraft video uploaded is labeled as "not for kids", but YouTube says it would be for kids, which can then get the penalty?


No, if YouTube does that, it's their opinion.