Is it possible to handle copyright / patent protection with filter effects?

- in Hardware

Does anyone know about copyright, trademark and patent protection?

I want to know the following:

Example: the company XY makes a promotional video for their new product and in the background a section of the game "Fortnite" is displayed on a monitor.

Could XY successfully evade prosecution using a filtering effect (such as comic art)?

Example of a comic effect in a YouTube video:


McDonalds will not have to do that because it has previously obtained the right / license to do so. That's how it works.


If the question is to help you, because you want to do it that way - leave it.

Otherwise, McDonald's will have a trained legal department and have secured appropriate usage rights (monetary).


No, that will not happen For one thing, it does not have anything to do with the things you've called. Copyright is Anglo-American, that's not the case here. Trademark as well, max trademark law. But this only protects not all movies / computer games. Patent protection is completely outlandish, it is for inventions.

what remains is the good old copyright. And that means that you can use the intellectual creations of others only with the consent of the author (iSv publish or distribute) may. Even if you edit the work (§§ 3, 20 UrhG), it requires the consent. Only in extremely rare cases (eg § 24 UrhG) is this also possible without the consent. That such a case exists, would probably prove in the dispute the potential infringer.


Explained in great detail, thank you!