Fortnite installation disk space error message?


I just want to install Fortnite but every time I get the error message that I don't have enough space, supposedly it needs 85gb and I only have 75gb. But the game is not that big at all! What can I do against it?

I even reset the PC and reinstalled everything.


Do not install… Please do not become part of this disease!
protect yourself and your PC and play something decent.


How big is it


Ohoh presumably you fit directly into the cliché of fortnite kids… There's probably a gamers soul lost again.


Come calm down!

He is right. Fortnite is already boring.

But that's true with the storage space. Fortnite is, at least for me, as big as for you.


Oh and you have conducted studies on which client prefers to play Fortnite and have the character traits been able to relate to me through the text?

How did you do it?


WTF ne I don't find Fortnite boring, how can you generalize something like that? If you think so, nice for you you can get rid of it in an opinion thread about Fortnite but not here. I definitely find other things very boring that you enjoy doing, that's how life is!

But thanks, then I have to do it on the HDD /