Children with Fortnite clothing do not have access to our kebab shop. Legal?


Our boss told us yesterday that children with Fortnite clothing will be immediately denied access to the kebab shop. As a reason, he stated that it attracts especially the young people. I personally think this idea is great, but is it even legally permitted?


Why not? It is not a public agency, but a private shop. The kebab man can reject anyone himself who he doesn't want in his shop.


You can of course submit a "dress code".

As a recommendation, I would simply make this clear as "non-valid" advertising.


As long as the landlord does not specifically argue and violate German discrimination law, he may withhold direct access to inadequate clothing for the customer's business process to enter and entertain guests in his restaurant.

If a Turkish innkeeper therefore declares that clothing with obvious military optics interferes with the peaceful conduct of his business, then he can use this reasoning to refuse access to guests dressed in this manner, e.g. Some discotheque operators do not have to tolerate guests with sloppy casual clothing in their rooms.

The owner of the kebab snack bar (with catering facilities for indoor consumption) always has to clearly, clearly and solely refer to such a striking style of clothing in order to remain legally largely on the safe side.