Find teammates in warzone?


The question may sound stupid but where can I find the best girls gamers with whom I can gamble. I don't want to vulture or something, I'm not a pervert but lately I don't feel like playing with my homies because all Fortnite are playing this dirty game. I'm 15. And random trio are the wrong insult to just rum or just lobby lobby. I've never gambled with girls. Vlt makes it more fun


So I think that you have more success if you go to a Warzone community on Playstation or something similar for Xbox or Pc, I don't know much about them now. Or there's something like this on Facebook, just put a post in there because most of them are probably also looking for comrades, here the question is rather lost


Why please girls… What is so special about them?

There are numerous Discords and TeamSpeaks for something like that.