Strike YouTube video?


I just played in Fortnite teams and got into the team of a streamer who was streaming live at the time I knew nothing about and he didn't say it. He asked who was German and as gorgeous as I was with him but always answered any questions I asked what he was doing and he said he was streaming live on YouTube. I told him that when he finished streaming the stream should be private, delete it or shut it down because of my voice. Stream is over and it is still available. Now to my question I can leave the Stream Striken because it didn't ask me if it is ok for me to be in the stream.


If you report him, he is first accused of criminal proceedings. A strike is always possible. Since I'm active in criminal law myself, I would advise you to initiate criminal proceedings.


I would report it to YouTube


Where and how can I have him knitted? I don't see any legal proceedings necessary


I'm not very familiar with this area. I personally would use the reporting function for this.




You could report the video for privacy violation


Unfortunately there's nothing you can do about it, you could report it to YouTube, but that would be of little use since you have no evidence. I would just put up with it. He only has your voice, no one cares who the fellow player of a streamer is.


It's just about the principle that it is deleted because its behavior is not correct