What is the most powerful weapon in FORTNITE?


What is the most powerful weapon in FORTNITE?


Haven't played for a long time, but I would say the spas if they weren't patched out…


Is a matter of opinion. If we only look at the current loot pool, it is certainly the spas or the new mythical arch that you get in the middle of the map.

The bow does 98 body damage and then some explosions that do 20 damage each.

Find this bow very OP at the moment, but it is also difficult to get because you have to defeat the character in the middle first.


Thanks, I haven't had it yet


There are different ones I don't know out of my head, but I think the weapon should do damage, yes, but you should also be able to walk and aim well. Good weapons that can currently be killed quickly are the legendary pumpgun, 1-2 shots and the genee is dead. But there are other good weapons, one of my favorite weapons at the moment is primeval rifle


If you are a good player then I would recommend the spas if not the Tactical Shotgun that came in today


Yeah, I have a couple of earnings, I used to be pretty good at it, now not anymore…