How can I acquire knowledge in Fortnite?


We all know how strong Fortnite is currently being hyped and how many people are under its spell.

I'm now also affected and unfortunately have no knowledge of Fortnite. Unfortunately, I don't even know the basics, because I simply had nothing to do with Fortnite.

But this should change now. So I would like to be taught about Fortnite. Are there any good playlists on Youtube or anything else (should be in German). I want to learn the basics first and then go into the details to become a good player.

I thank you in advance for your tips!


Maybe just search on YouTube without asking. I was even able to get to the 1st place with 4 games, but fortnite is not for me


Honor man


My tip: play and have fun! - It doesn't do you any good if you accumulate tons of theoretical knowledge about the game and then have to be the first to bite into the grass while gaming.

If you gamble regularly, the understanding of the gameplay comes automatically.

I usually also know how I could defeat a boss in DarkSouls, for example… But if I fail with my motor skills and responsiveness, the boss ultimately cheers anyway ^^


You understand the game if you play it regularly on your own for a while.

If you really want to know about the game then watch Fortnite Youtube Videos you will most likely take a very big step.

Tip: In the end, Fortnite is just a game, not a science test. Just have as much fun as possible


Before that I was just hiding and getting shot, but once I was lucky enough to run around and win 4 kills


I meant you stopped lol