1984 parody I don't understand?


My knowledge of the story is not that great and I don't understand the parody

It says in the comments

' The Kids who play Fortnite have no idea what this is parodying ''

I don't play fornite and I'm not a child, but I still don't understand it.

It may be that my knowledge of English is not enough but I would be happy if someone explains that to me


Did you read the book in 1984?


No, at the moment i'm reading my kamp and the last tapes by harry potter but i will read it soon too. Try to increase my knowledge


Well if you haven't read the book you can't understand the allusion xD


What a shame, then I read the book and if I don't understand it I ask again.


😂😂 yes, take fortnite 2020 out of the offer and add Monopoly to the store. The trend game for kids in 1984.

byebye 2020 hello back in 1984 🤣

I think it's funny.


It all goes back to 1984, when Apple brought out the Macintosh. And back then Apple was a small company that opposed the PC market dominated by IBM and Microsoft.

To this end, Apple sent a very impressive commercial that was shot by Riddley Scott and broadcast during the Super Bowl. It was pretty sensational back then that a Hollywood director shot a clip. The clip is the one posted in skramzlord's answer. And the clip in turn refers to George Orwell's book "1984" in which a totalitarian surveillance state is described, which is ruled by a person named "Big Brother".

That is why the original clip is kept very dark and then a young woman appears who destroys the face of her big brother and the text appears "apple introduces the new Macintosh and 1984 is not like '1984'". So Apple wanted to say back then that they would break the dominant monopoly of IBM / Microsoft with their new revolutionary PC.

Today things have turned. Today Apple is the dominant corporation that imposes its will on others. Among other things, Fortnite, because Apple demands horrific fees from Fortnite for sales via the AppStore. Fortnite is currently tackling this. And Fortnite shot a commercial that looks almost exactly like Apple's old one. They just want to show that Apple, who at the time presented itself as a rebel against the all-powerful dictator IBM, is now the all-powerful dictator itself.


I'm a kid of the 80s and I don't understand that either.

Good - the TV shatters like glass (no longer possible today). Good - if there's a quote from 1984 here, it is badly chosen. Very, very bad.


Well explained ^^


This answer is twice as good.


As a matter of fact


Well finally, a German explanation (and also relatively good)