Chrome Infected?


My little brother is using his PC since he does not have his own PC to play games like Fortnite or PUBG. Today I found out that he has downloaded these games for avoidable "hack" software that should give him a game advantage. Of course I have uninstalled any application, have in the task manager can find all unwanted programs and with 2 adware cleaner programs the pc a total of 4 times adjusted and restarted. Now, however, I opened Chrome, instead, opened a small text window that looked like this:

This is apparently the Chrome window, but completely destroyed. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome, but to no avail. Also rummaging in the directory did not help. I ask for help, I have a lot of important bookmarks relating to my work there.


If you can't think of anything better, you should check that you are backing up all the important files (for example, packing on a stick) and rebuilding your PC.


Look in the program manager if a program is double and then just after the date because there are many Malewares / Adwares / virus disguised as Java or the like so look


Nothing new.

Simply switch to another browser and the problem is solved.



Ps4 (SU-41333-4)? ar armaniRange