OBS. Bad quality instead of attitudes?


I want to stream live but I have poor quality even though I have set the settings in obs! (I also have poor quality when recording)

What could be the reason? Back then changed some settings because of fortnite (maybe it is because of it): D


Which settings? What hardware?


So I have resolution on 720p, 2100bitframe (or as the name means)

Graphics card (Nvidia gforce 560 (or something)

Intel i3



I have resolution on 720p, 2100 bitframe graphics card Nvidia geforce 560 Intel i3
You can't stream with it!
Even this system is not enough for 720p.


A college has almost the same system but it can stream funny…


Your CPU is too weak to encode. For a reasonable 720p with 60 FPS you need approx. 2500 - 3000 bit rate. Say an upload of 6 Mbit mandatory anyway. Your GPU can't encode, it is too weak.

Without you sending pictures here of how you have the settings, you can't say what should be adjusted where.


For streaming it is a bit lean. The video has to be captured and then encoded, i.e. Be brought into a certain (space-saving) format. That costs a lot of computing power. This is done either by the processor (Intel i3 with you) or the graphics card. The 560 is quite old. I don't know if she can do that at all (I guess no, but I haven't looked it up yet). Thus, the i3, which is not exactly the fastest, must both "play" your game and do the video coding at the same time. It will be too much for him. You probably mean 2100 kbit / s?

It also depends on the frame rate (FPS). Turn it down to 15 FPS as a test or just to test whether the quality increases as a result. That would not be useful in the long run.


Which i3 is it? If it's halfway up-to-date, set the encoder to Intel Quick Sync, that's the only chance to get something usable with Stream. And then just try it out. Rather low compression, i.e. Set a high bit rate with low quality.