Can't change my Mac address?


I have the problem that I can't change my Mac address. I have already tried everything, installed the latest drivers and tried countless methods that I found on the net. My Wi-Fi card is the gigabyte gc-wb1733d-i.

I would like to change the Mac address because my parents blocked me from the Internet, but this is not justified but because my little brother has exaggerated with Fortnite and so that it is fair I get one which is annoying when you are in the middle of a CS round and the internet goes out at 9:00 p.m.

I have already changed the IP address, but this does not work for my lock. The lock is a timer from the provider Telekom in which my PC was entered


That's the good thing about Apple!
It won't work without your parents!


This is a windows 10 pc.


If you didn't notice, I don't mean an Apple mac but a mac address. There are differences, but if the mac address is an apple device for you, then so be it.


Sorry, I had to set up 3 iPads for 8 year olds and a 59 year old last week, as well as an iMac for 75 year olds with online banking and 2 MacBooks for 12 year olds with all the apps and stored links, as well as email. Believe me, that is only with the email for minors, the Apple id accounts, the family releases, payment methods (for backwoodsers without Wi-Fi) really half fun at HalbBlinden. Something can happen there

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