Change email address Fortnite?

- in Account

I have a new email address and my old email address associated with the fortnite account no longer exists, how can I change it because on the Epic Games page it says that a confirmation was sent to my old email, but the old email -Mail address no longer exists and can't logically confirm the confirmation request

What to do?


I would contact support.

What else is left. (However, support is not your guarantee that you can change it.)


Try to contact the support somehow. Most of the time you only need some basic information such as the first invoice and such, but no idea whether it works.


Thank you for the great answer 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


Thank you for the helpful answer 👍🏽👌🏽👍🏽


You can't do anything else.

The support will ask you for personal information, unless they disappoint you directly.


Thank you very much


Write to Epic Support

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