Fortnite does not render?

- in Skins

In every round where I played now, the game went well and smoothly. But now it does not render anymore and when I get to the bottom my skin bounces around and has to wait forever for it to work. I just do not know why. I even tried using my mobile phone hotspot because this internet works best. Please help me.

CPU: AMD A10 9700

Graphics card: AMD Radeon R7

16 GB of RAM


At first intenet has nothing to do with the actual display or rendering of the picture. So please just reinstall the game.


Is your video card driver up-to-date?




I can help with the problem. But only if you play on PC. If so, do you have the NEW Epic Games Launcher in the background while playing? If so, that seems to be the problem. Was with me as well because with me has always played a promotional video of Hello Neighbor in the new beta. When I closed the launcher, everything ran again. I just switched back to the old Epic Games Launcher because I keep it open in the background.


I will do it immediately.


I just read your answer and I wondered how to get the old epic games launcher? Have the same problem!


In the settings


Did it work?


How did you get to the old epic launcher?