Fortnite Map doesn't render, why?

- in Hardware

Moin I gamble Fortnite on the PC have a 60hz monitor and a gtx 750 ti the monitor is actually very old but the question is if I set the limit of the fps 60 I can play normally but if I set the limit 120 fps or higher the map renders with me my pc does not manage over 100 fps but it may be that it is due to the montior that it only has 60hz and because of that I have rendering errors


If you set Fortnite to higher FPS, i.e. Higher than 60, it does not help. Your monitor will ultimately show you 60 FPS. If you want to have more FPS, you have to buy a new monitor.


So if I set jz grade eg fps to 120 and am in the round the map does not load and if I have a 144 or 120hz monitor would it load then? The question was whether the map load at higher fps is on the monitor or on the PC?


I think if you had a better monitor it would work

Fortnite map gone? me melted124