Call of Duty more serious earlier?

- in Skins

With the old CoDs, compared to the new ones, I notice that they were mostly more serious, creepier, more brutal only in the multiplayer or zombies / special forces mode.

Today they're kind of cheesy with brightly colored skins and weapon camouflages, business cards with simple GIFS.
I have a feeling they make you go to Fortnite


Joah would be possible I could also imagine to address more people


In the past, there were also colorful weapon camouflages.


But not such as moving ultraviolet camouflages that existed in cold, but not during the Cold War


So it's definitely no less brutal. So if flying limbs aren't brutal enough for you, you've got a problem… And I don't find it cheesy at all


Games evolve, you don't have to use a weapon camouflage, you can leave the weapon original.


The developers just noticed that the clientele is not 20-30, but 13-18.
And reacts accordingly. If you look at COD1 and 2, there weren't any fancy skins yet. (I don't think there were any skins at all)

Furthermore, many MMOs have become more and more "Shiny" over time.
The reason for this is often the lack of vertical progression and the in-game stores. Because it's all just skins, the new rare legendary heroic skin has to be different from the old rare legendary skin. So he gets even more freaky, etc.


But when others walk around with it, the whole atmosphere is screwed


If that bothers you then you have to play another game.