Broken contact?


I knew an internet friend for 11 months, but 4 days ago she broke off. * She said that she doesn't want anyone anymore because we're just playing Fortnite and writing together anyway. Because we never spoke on the phone, she assumes that we will never meet *. The second reason is that she wants to know the people she sees every day and with whom she has a lot to do. But before that we had an argument, after a day I apologized, but then she ignored my apology message for 3 days. Then I wrote to her about what is now and she said that she could cancel because of these reasons. (See above*)
I was so hurt that I couldn't even cry. She is still very important to me even though she ignored me, which was wrong with her.
The problem is, because of her, I had motivation to go outside or do other things, but not anymore. I know that I can be happy without her, but the motivation is gone and everything has gone stupid.

Do you think she's coming back?

How do I get motivation again?

How do I deal with it?



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Looking for another girlfriend, real girlfriend…

and not be so childish, because Fortnite is gambled, you have no friends etc.


In the dispute, it seems to her that the friendship only exists or has existed online. I would suggest you if you don't want to talk to each other on the phone, skype or meet up if you prefer. There's nothing more you can do in this case. However, internet friendships are often not the people they pretend to be (cat fishing), so you should be careful if you really want to meet. To motivate yourself there are many ways, for example. Reward system. First go out for a round or meet someone and then play Fortnite again at home. Try to distract yourself, bothering someone will usually only make it worse.

Fortnite broken at mac? ev evening7174