Why do the Fortnite updates take so long?


So my updates always take a long time to download.

It always loads only with 5 MBs down sometimes even a few seconds with 0 MBs.

My internet connection is from unitymedia 400 MB Download / 20 MB Upload.

Play on pc and have it connected to the charging cable.


Your own speed is not relevant - the decisive factor is how much bandwidth you get from the target. There are probably only 5mb / sec at the moment - you can't change that.


Can s.alle be possible vllt eif only too far awake from the router if not connected to Lan. Vllt has UM problems or something.

If connected with Wlan times speed test at the moment.

Just because you have UM 400k does not mean that they are stable…


But he could.

He has not even said if he is connected to Wlan or Lan that can be anything.


Sure you have 400 MB download? That really seems like a lot.

And do you play on a console or on a PC?

In any case, when you're on the PC, the Epic Launcher always installs the game when downloading. Loads it Loads a few files, installs, and loads more files again. As a result, the speed goes down again and again. Maybe you have a slow hard drive which should extend the whole thing.


Sorry play with LAN cable


No, it can't affect the bandwidth the server provides. Since it does not matter if he is connected to Wi-Fi or cable.


400mb?! Thats over a gb ever 3 seconds

Fortnite updates? Ga Gatlinnathalia