What is better for fortnite?
what is more fun and where is better
I always switched back and forth I don't know what to play (I'm on pc) AND I DON'T WANT TO PLAY BOTH I want to decide
Fortnite is bad. Always play with the keyboard that is always better
Well in my opinion a mouse and keyboard is worlds better than a controller
There's no means of telling what is better. In the end you will get good there, with whom you also play Main. For example, I can be as good as someone who plays with a mouse and keyboard, because I'm just used to the controller and play Main on it.
It is therefore important what you find more handy or comfortable. Then you will also find what to use.
In my opinion, every FPS game should be played with a keyboard and mouse. You are simply more precise with a mouse and can assign more keys on the keyboard.
Use the one you have more fun with. If you want to get better, I would really rely on the mouse and keyboard.
So to make it easy controller is easier but if you are very good with the also good but mouse and keyboard is of course much more precise when it comes to aiming (I'm a controller player).