Play Yu-gi-oh online in 2019?


I wanted to ask if there's a game to play Yu-gi-oh online? I can only find contributions from the year 2015 and I do not know if the games are listed there will be played at all or still exestieren.

Does anyone still know of an online game by yu-gi-oh that has many active players?

I think it would be really cool if Yu-gi-oh is also an esport, because it still has many followers and is certainly better than this Fortnite etc…


Yu-Gi-Oh! I played online for a while. Is free and online.


As mentioned above YGOpro. There are different versions of this application, you have to try out what suits you more. Dueling Book is also available, even has its own Elo system, but I like much less.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Is already more or less an eSport. There are different leagues with different teams (for example Card Sports League).


What do you mean by different versions?

With Esport I mean rather make a play out of it for the PC and / or console. So you can make your own decks and compete against others.

It robs for the console, the Yu-gi-oh Legacy. But that could not really enforce, where I think it's a pity: /


Do you happen to know if there are many players left?


But why should they make it an online game when Konami makes the most money by physical cards.

Well, there are:

YGOpro 2.0
YGOpro vs links
YGOpro Percy