Are these real or fake friends?


Yesterday I told my best friend that I could play with her Fortnite, but later at 8 pm because I wanted to play with a very good internet friend. We gambled almost the whole day like 5 years ago, that made me happy, but then it came: my best friend who wanted to play with me, called me all the time and wrote that I should play with her now, however my cellphone was mute and in another room. Later she got herself a person & created a group. I came to WhatsApp online at 10pm and I still did not play with my girlfriend, then they wrote in the group, 'She does not come online anymore because she's playing with her IBF' "or something like that, I thought we were friends but we're not ". That got me excited and I cried secretly because I was afraid to lose all my important friends. However, it turned out later that they just pissed me off and wanted to annoy me so I can finally get online, you do not know how angry I was and still am. I said then that I was crying, but they said, 'Yeah, as if blablabla'

Should I forgive them? Make something best friends?


Yes, forgive them.

Sure, you should not do that, but you're still young and they just did not think it could hurt you. Are just a little immature.

And you should not take that stuff directly to heart.


Basically, you behaved wrong. You have made deals with your girlfriend and then gamble with an Internet acquaintance. I do not know why Fortnite should be played separately, it's a multiplayer game. So it would not have been a problem to just bring your girlfriend.

It's understandable that your girlfriend reacts that way. Because she was probably also very angry. Since you both have now dipped, I would say the issue is resolved, but you can talk to her again. Then I would also apologize for the fact that you have reversed the appointment and it was not as important to you at the time as the Internet Uschi.


I did not play Fortnite with my IBF, but something else. And they do not like each other


Kindergarten sorry…
But what exactly real friends are or are not really depends on how they behave when gambling. Even with real friends there's a fight. You can talk about that. That makes the difference. If you can sit together and talk honestly about the situation and take each other seriously and also be able to make a change together - depending on the situation. Also, if you only see yourself once a year - if it fits then it's fine. Take it again to the side and talk to her about it. After all, you both have your share in it.


But nevertheless it would have been better, if you had sent your Boyfriend perhaps at 8 o'clock a message, if you can move the gambling. Then she would have been less angry than being posted by you without notice.