How can I find friends with my interests?


I really don't know how to start this question: I've never had any best friend or anything else until now, everyone is always arrogant to me or ignores me, nobody represents my interests. The real problem is that I'm only 11 but have completely different interests, for example: anime, gaming, memes (but different) black humor and etc. But at my age everyone only listens to German rap and plays fortnite (which is not my cup of tea) so 13-14 year olds these interests but they all consider me to be this average fifth grader on the Internet anyway, I have some friends and a best friend in real life who I see very rarely. My interests are more towards E / Boy / Girl._.

So I ask for your advice on how I can find someone who has my interests ^^



Your interests are just like mine, only I'm 16: D

I think finding these interests at your age is pretty hard. Finding some even for me in general is also difficult and many would find you immature because of your age.

Maybe we want to write sometime?


Find something that isn't limited to the internet. Then you can also find friends outside of the internet.


Since you are only 11, you will surely get to know a lot more people in the next few years: you will probably also change school / class and that is a place where you can get to know people

from your interests: fortunately there are more and more people, especially youngsters, who are interested in anime. You are sure to find some on your own, but there are also a great many on the internet: on discord, for example

gaming is actually the same, on discords or directly while gaming you can quickly find people who then share the same interests. And a lot of them at your age too!

otherwise you also have social media: instagram, snapchat, tik tok and whatever else there's

if you probably also do sport, then you can still find a lot of people in clubs


Always talk to many, then you will soon find like-minded people. Also, listen to others (and don't just talk about yourself), especially those you find interesting. Come across as honest and not arrogant (which is not to say that it is you) and see a lot with humor. Can also be black, then you'll find those who want that too anyway. That way, you will likely get to know a lot of people and friends too.


It's difficult, for me it was always a matter of luck with my friends and I was never actively looking

Maybe when you start some leisure activity? Or in my area there are meetings for people who like to deal with anime and manga, but I've never been there 😂. But you could definitely meet someone there. Maybe there's something like that in your area too? You can google it

Or maybe you unpack a manga at school, and then somebody just approached me


Nothing changes either. Have hobbies like drawing, cooking, and generally I'm outdoors


Thank you very good tip ^^


That's a good idea.


Can we do it ^^