Fortnite movie? - 1


Hi, I wanted to ask how you would like it if a film about Fortnite came to the cinemas in about 10 years. And what would you wish for a good film about Fortnite.


It would be news to me that Fortnite has enough material for a 2.5 hour film.
Games with far more narrative depth than Fortnite have failed with their films…

A documentary about the "Fortnite phenomenon" would rather work. But would it be exciting? Probably not.


A lot of the younger ones would probably watch this movie.

Personally, I play Fortnite, but I wouldn't go to a cinema to see a film about Fortnite. More likely if it is made available for free at some point.

What might be exciting would be if the protagonist came from another world or is a criminal and now has to serve a mission - just like all the other 100 people. For example, to be able to pay his fine or to come back to his world. Either alone or as a duo or in a team. In a team or as a duo, conflicts could arise between the people and you can stretch the film that way. I do believe that you can make a decent film out of it.

I would find that interesting.


@LemonFitzek I'm only 14 and even if I sound like a 'Fortnite kiddie', Fortnite has shaped my youth to date when it comes to gaming. I can't deny that. For that matter, I would definitely go to the cinema just because of the nostalgia. In fact, Fortnite hides a story that not many people know that in my opinion has great potential to be made into a film. But above all I would like the live events to be integrated and maybe an easter egg is hidden here and there.


Rather unlikely, because Fortnite doesn't have an interesting story (And in 10 years, few will probably know this game and even fewer games)


What many do not know is that fortnite has a history. Besides, it's not like everyone who has ever played fortnite will die or forget about it in the next 10 years. For many, youth was shaped by the game.


Uhh shaped? I would rather say influenced. And that in the negative direction!


The question is, about what? In the end, you especially notice that EpicGames is increasingly running out of ideas. Do practically nothing more than for a lot of money that they previously poured out of the pockets of small children, copyrights for skins from well-known series / films / video games (God of War, The Walking Dead, Halo, Marvel, The Mandalorian etc.) to buy.

Sure Fortnite has a story, but it never felt like one. And of course it's a nostalgia kicker for the people who associate something with it, but I don't think that's enough.


Which story?


What many do not know is that Fortnite has a story

I said she doesn't have an interesting story

For many, youth was shaped by the game.

that's right, but there are also no films about other games that shaped the youth before you and to be honest, nobody ever needed that and won't change in the future


This "save the world"


What kind of story is that? Portal has more history and there's no film about it…


Would be nice if you would film the story from the first chapter


I didn't say she was good


It is not either. Lol


The problem is that Fortnite didn't develop a real community like many other games. Halo, Warhammer, Terraria (as an example) have enough worlds to fill libraries. Behind what you experience in the game there's always a whole complex world that has been built up over years by community and developers. Fortnite is just an island on which 100 people are thrown, done. I know, as I said before, Fortnite has something that you can call a story if you want to, but be honest, is anyone interested?


They would just sell children's tickets


I would look at the poster and keep walking


Justify this statement…


Yes I understand. For example, I started with 11 League of Legends and played that for a couple of years. Meanwhile, I don't play it anymore, but if a film comes out for it, I would watch it too


Thanks for the star:>

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